Colombia Pink Bourbon Creation - Filter

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Colombia Pink Bourbon Creation - Filter 



  • Producers + Mill:

Once upon a time in the lush hills of Huila, Colombia, there was a special coffee variety known as Pink Bourbon. Legend has it that this unique bean, with its distinctive pink hue, was born from a fortuitous cross between the Red and Yellow Bourbon varieties. Blessed with rich volcanic soil and a perfect altitude, Huila proved to be the ideal playground for this vibrant coffee to thrive. The Pink Bourbon quickly captured the hearts of local farmers with its exceptional cup profile, boasting flavors of sweet caramel, delicate florals, and a hint of tropical fruitiness. Its ability to withstand the region's diverse microclimates and adapt to varying altitudes made it a darling among growers in Huila, who lovingly tended to their coffee plants, nurturing them with care and dedication. Today, the Pink Bourbon continues to flourish in Huila, a testament to the harmonious marriage between nature's gifts and the labor of passionate coffee cultivators.


  • Varieties:

The Bourbon coffee variety dates back to the 1700s when French missionaries first introduced it on Bourbon Island in the Indian Ocean. The island is called Réunion today and the missionaries moved on to Latin America in the middle of the 1800s. It was first grown in Brazil around 1860 and cultivation spread from there throughout Latin America. Because the standard Bourbon variety is susceptible to coffee leaf rust, it does best at higher altitudes at or above 1,800 meters where leaf rust is less likely to occur. Bourbon produces a tall coffee plant, excellent coffee, and medium to low production. It much of Latin America, basic Bourbon has been replaced by offshoots such as Caturra, Catuai, and Mundo Novo.

But around Huila Colombia in the Andes Mountains, growers still specialize in growing Bourbon coffee and a cross-bred variety, pink Bourbon.Pink Bourbon gets its name from the fact that the ripe berries are pink instead of red. Coffee farmers around Huila, Colombia produce the variety by cross-breeding yellow and red Bourbon. It has greater resistance to leaf rust than either the yellow or red variety.


  • Process:

Starts with a 24-hour pre-fermentation in cherry, the beans gain an early edge in flavor development. Subsequently, a 36-hour aerobic fermentation takes place in bags, snug in mucilage blankets. Finally, they luxuriate on raised beds under the sun for approximately 15 days. This process ensures a tropical vacation for your taste buds – sun-soaked and brimming with flavor!


  • Region: Huila
  • Producers: Edier Perdomo, Diego Horta, Freddy Correa
  • Farms: Various Farms* (Los Pinos, La Primavera)
  • Importer: Forest Green
  • Price (green ex Shipping): £11.56 p kg
  • Variety: Pink Bourbon
  • Process: Semi-Washed process
  • Altitude: 1500-1600masl
  • Amount Bought: 140kg
  • Tasting: Fruity, High acidity, High sweetness, Juicy 
  • Flavours like: Tinned Mandarins, Raspberry, Dark Chocolate