Colombia Popayan - Espresso

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Colombia – Popayan Reserve 

This washed coffee comes from the Cauca region of Colombia by way of our import partner Cofinet. 


• Producer + Farm:

Popayán is in the department of Cauca at 1.700 m.a.s.l.

The so-called Meseta de Popayan is sheltered by the Andes Mountain range which helps generate homogeneous climatic and altitude characteristics. The result is a balanced cup profile with floral and caramel notes. CofiNet collaborate with approximately 65 growers who contribute to this program and with whom they have built long-term relationships.

This program also encourages farmers to focus on quality and based on quality assessment we provide up to 20% premiums above the market price


• Variety:

Castillo and Caturra mix:

• Caturra

This variety originates from Minas Gerais in Brazil. It was a natural mutation of Red Bourbon, Caturra is favoured as it is a high yielding plant (more cherries per tree) and is more resistant to plant diseases than that of Bourbon.

• Castillo

Castillo and its sub cultivars are higher yield, resistance to leaf rust and other diseases common in Latin America. The cherries of Castillo plants are also slightly larger and display more resistance to pests and insects such as the coffee borer beetle (broca) Castillo is a ‘dwarfed’ tree that can be planted in high density (tighter groups), meaning a farmer can increase their yields per hectare.

• Colombia

A variety obtained by crossing Caturra and the Timor Hybrid, obtained by Cenicafe. It is highly productive and resistant to coffee rust. First released in 1982. Unlike Catimor, this variety is a compound variety, a result of many progenies.


• Process:

All specialty coffees are hand picked, careful attention is paid to collect only the ripest cherries, The coffee is floated and sorted before being pulped and washed to remove all the cherry and mucilage. The parchment is then placed on patios to dry over the course of 20+ days.


• Region: Popayan, Cauca region

• Producer: Small Holder Farmers

• Farm: Popayan reserve

• Importer: CofiNet

• Price (green ex shipping): £6.90 Per Kg

• Variety: Caturra, Castillo, Colombia

• Soil: Volcanic Ash (high nutrient rich)

• Process: Washed Process

• Altitude: 1700 – 2000 masl

• Annual Rainfall: 1700-2000mm

• Tasting: Medium Acidity, sweet, balanced

• Flavours like: Mandarin, Caramel, Vanilla