Brazil Fazenda Mio Alici - Filter

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Brazil Fazenda Mio Alici - Filter

This is one of a few very special and small lots we have purchased from Mio along with our espresso coffees. This is a testament to the innovation and care that Mio take to their coffees and push the boundaries of what is possible and creating new and exciting taste experiences from their coffees on the farm,

This year Mio have a new system for how they name their coffees and give the roasters the tools to make it their own using these new flash cards. Alici is broken down as:

A - Sugar Sweet

LI - Delicate

CI - Citrus


  • Producers + Mill:

Mió is a coffee farm in Monte Santo de Minas, Brazil. They cover exports, imports, storages and sell coffee. The coffee is harvested with care by Mió workers, you can see their names on the infographic images, as well as where and when each stage of the coffee production has taken place.

The farm spans a total of 1,589 hectares with a third of the land is used for the coffee processing and milling facilities, some pasture areas and the plantation of eucalyptus trees, which is home to large hives of bees.

The rest of the land is equally divided between the coffee trees and the native forest reserve. With plenty of spring water in the estate, one of Mió’s responsibilities is to not only maintain the water flow but to also improve water quality as their supplies support the local town and surrounding communities.


  • Varieties:

Olaria is our living example of correct crop management. It is the oldest coffee plot at Mió farm — it was planted in 1952 using the original Mundo Novoseedlings that had just been launched that same year. The Alici microlot comes from these 72 year old trees


  • Process:

Considered the most eco–friendly coffee process, using little to no water, used for most of Mió’s microlots to increase the fruity and citrus aromas while retaining the sweetness in the cup.

Drying Raised Beds (16 days) 

Patio (03 days) 

Dryer (00—05 days)

Resting Wood Silos (35—44 days)


  • Region: Monte Santo de Minas
  • Producer: The Pellicer family
  • Dry Mill: Fazenda Míll
  • Importer: Fazenda Mío
  • Price (green ex Shipping): £10 p kg
  • Variety: Mundo Novo
  • Process: Natural
  • Altitude: 900 - 1000masl
  • Amount Bought: 60kg
  • Tasting: 
  • Flavours like: